The Latest from Iowa Gravel Roads

As the race promoter reserves the right to re-route the course, Guitar Ted and Dave Pals came to a muddy, nearly impassable section of 'B' level road that they agreed to route around. In the time it took to grab the stakes and ribbons to mark the reroute, race leaders Joe Meiser and John Gorilla snuck through and onto the B road. Not realizing what had happened, the course was re-marked and Ted and Pals waited for the leaders. Soon, the first chase group came through and turned on to the new course.

Pals and Ted instantly realized that the leaders had snuck onto the B road - and were fighting the mud - un-able to drive in, due to the mud, it just had to stay as it was - there could be new leaders where the two courses came together.

Fortunately, Meiser and Gorilla had a sizable lead, and were able to stay in front on the other side of the detour, but the gap had closed. The second group, including Charlie Tri, Charlie Farrow, Charles Parsons and Corey 'Cornbread' Godfrey (maybe one or two others) continues to chase. Iowan's Dennis Grelk and Lance Andre, as well as Nebraska rider Matt Gersib are chasing in a third group.

Behind the third group, riders are stretched out single file for miles and are struggling against the wind.

According to Guitar Ted, the wind is slowing and the road surface is hardening, but it's still a long race.